I am writing a small review on this topic. The minor problem is the huge amount of stuff I read nearly everyday on this. Therefore, I decided to keep interesting links here: I can read them whenever I want to… and you too 🙂 Here we go for the first episode:
Geek Dating FLowchart (from the entry “Geek” on Uncyclopedia)
Useful list, thanks!
There are links to a lot of good data in http://www.huffingtonpost.com/caroline-simard/saying-hightech-is-a-meri_b_719804.html
Skud’s OSCON keynote has a wealth of information http://infotrope.net/blog/2009/07/25/standing-out-in-the-crowd-my-oscon-keynote/ specifically on FLOSS
And there are links to a lot of US coverage of the issues in the comments of http://www.talesfromthe.net/jon/?p=905