Digital security innovation is an increasingly important priority for policy makers who need to encourage i) the development of an ecosystem enabling digital security startups to proliferate, get the investment and support they need to win business, scale up and provide a pipeline of innovation; and ii) all startups to take digital security into account from the outset as they develop increasingly digital-intensive and digital-dependent products and services.
The second annual event of the OECD Global Forum on Digital Security for Prosperity focused on how to encourage and facilitate best practice for supporting innovation in digital security, and “security by design” in broader digital innovation.
I will be participating in the Session 2 roundtable on Day 1. With my co-discussants, we will address, amogst others, the following questions: What are the opportunities and challenges to foster digital security innovation? How can demand and supply-side policies and initiatives stimulate digital security innovation and help develop a vibrant digital security industry?
The full programme is available as a PDF booklet. Join me: the event is free and everyone is welcome to chime in!