Women4Cyber Masterclass: Diversity advocacy in the EU

Women4Cyber Masterclass: Diversity advocacy in the EU

I am honoured and humbled to be chairing the February 2021 Masterclass with a Role Model by the European Women4Cyber Foundation!

As a reminder for those of you who managed to attend the 2020 Cybersecurity Leadership Summit, I’ve already addressed the most salient points of my diversity advocacy line. Below is a longer and a more detailed version of what I’ll be discussing:

Building a career in cybersecurity: tips, tricks… and traps

Yes, girls outperform boys at school. Yes, women managers outperform their men counterparts at work. Watt zillion initiatives exist to encourage more entry-level diversity. But how many tackle the leaky career pipeline?

Career paths are fast evolving in cybersecurity. We have made progress in addressing diversity. However, for equally fast change to happen, we need inclusion and transverse career paths. Women are as much C-level material as men. We must act accordingly.

So, is there a perfect profile to build a career in cybersecurity? Or is it more of an ideal combination of skills? How, as women, do we tackle ambition? Let’s talk about navigating those avenues because helping other women move forward with their career is good for people, technology and businesses alike.

Sign up to join us! Attendance is free, the discussion will be in English.

European Cybersecurity Job Market: The Gender Perspective

Europe's cybersecurity market: the gender perspective

A three-day virtual event dedicated to cybersecurity, the 2020 Cybersecurity Leadership Summit will gather more than 60 international speakers and KuppingerCole analysts for 40 best practice and interactive sessions. A perfect way to know about the latest trends in cybercrime and cybersecurity!

Even though cybersecurity becomes ever more important, talent shortage continues to plague the industry. Moreover, the gender gap is a real challenge and an opportunity to address.

I am humbled to join Jean-Christophe Gaillard, Corix Partners, and Anett Mádi-Nátor,  Women4Cyber, on a panel on Nov 10, 4:40 PM, to discuss how we can make cybersecurity more welcoming and inclusive.

Book your seat today!