[Brevia] The weed genome gets sequenced!


Well, here comes Mary Jane with her brand new friends Medicinal Genomics and 454🙂 Medicinal Genomics announced it has sequenced the entire genomes of Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica (two strains of the therapeutic plant). They were using Roche’s GS FLX+ System to do so.
At the same time, I was browsing the last issue of Nature Reviews Genetics and spotting the title Technology: Getting Moore from DNA sequencing. Oh yes, for sure!

I find this totally awesome, of course 🙂 One of the good points is very pragmatic (and reassuring for sceptical fashionistas), as you may see it below:

This shoe is totally made out of cannabis 🙂

Sources: Oneras (CC-by-SA 2.0) & abaransk (CC-by-NC-ND 2.0)

Science Blogging at the EMBO Meeting 2011!


Ahoi, ahoi. I know I’m not writing that much anymore; this is bad, sad, etc.

But this will be very soonish subject to change! Fantastic news: I was selected to be a ‘certified blogger’ at the EMBO Meeting 😀 I’ll also have a poster there in the ‘Microbiology’ section. Lastly, since I’ll be finishing my PhD in precisely 1 year from now, I’ll attend several sessions at the Career Development Day to improve my job-searching abilities 😉

The program looks great, and I look forward to attending some of the workshops dedicated to ‘Genome Evolution’, ‘Hosts & Microbes’ and — of course — Melissa Hines’s lecture on ‘Women In Science’! Naturally, you’ll hear from me on these topics.

If you want to apply, please do: the deadline was exceptionally extended to August 15.

See you in Vienna then!